Click towards the left edge of the thumbnails to see a normal B&W photo, or click towards the right edge to see a stereo B&W photo. To view the stereo images, look through a red filter with your left eye and a green or blue filter with your right eye.
Agfa Flexilette, a 35mm twin-lens reflex manufactured in the early 1960s.
This example is missing a dull-chrome plate that should surround the two lenses,
but it works fine.
C3 rangefinder camera outfit, in mint condition, including Argus L44 light meter,
Argus Sandmar 35/4.5 wideangle, Argus Tele-Sandmar 100/4.5 telephoto, Argus
Cintar 50/3.5 normal lens, Argus tele/wide auxiliary finder. Changing lenses
on this beast is about a 5 minute job, as it requires partial disassembly of
the RF coupling mechanism. The C3 was made from 1939-66, but this outfit probably
dates from the 1950s.
Bolsey C, a 35mm twin-lens reflex with coupled rangefinder and optical
viewfinder, just for the sake of redundancy. This camera works, but is missing
the red B from the finder lid.
Canon IVsb, an interchangable-lens (Leica screw mount) rangefinder camera
manufactured in the early 1950s. The lens on this one was made later.
Canon P, another LSM ILR. This one was made in the late '50s or early
'60s, and was one of the most popular Canon RF cameras, even though it was only
made for about 4 years.
Exa, made by Ihagee in Dresden in the early 1950s as a low-priced alternative
to the Exakta. This is an early version with waist-level finder and "stick-shift"
shutter speed control. The "shutter" has speeds of B, 25-150 and really
is made up of the mirror and an additional bit of metal that raises up to close
the mirror box off with the mirror in the up position.
Krytstal , made by Krasnogorsk in the 1960s. A very close relative of
the Zenit 3 (in fact mine seems almost identical). Shares the Leica screwmount
with long back focus with the early Zenit SLRs. Has a really odd hammertone
gray-green finish, as I recall on things like 16mm movie projectors from the
1950s, and interesting art-deco lines on the front of the prism.
Zenit S (sometimes called Zenit C) made by Krasnogorsk in the 1950s. Although
McKeown seems a bit dismissive of this camera, I think it's interesting--basically
a Zorki rangefinder camera, with added mirror box. Very compact, and although
the mirror is indeed set by a string, the mechanism seems simple and reliable.
Kodak Retina IIIc (Type 021). Made by Kodak in West Germany in the mid-1950s.
Built-in uncoupled light meter and coupled rangefinder. Interchangable front
lens components for 35mm wideangle and 85mm telephoto.
Miranda DR. Made by Miranda Camera in the early 1960s. The last model
with the upper/lowercase Miranda Camera Co. on the camera. Interchangable finders
and screens. This one has an external CdS meter prism. Early Mirandas seem to
be high-precision cameras with very smooth gearing, etc, unlike later ones,
which work reasonably well but don't have such a nice feel.
Praktina FX. Made by Kamera Werkstatten in East Germany in the 1950s.
A high-quality SLR with interchangable finders, breech-lock lenses made by East
German Zeiss, a spring motor-drive accessory, and a separate optical viewfinder,
probably for following fast action as the mirror is not instant-return.
Royal 35. Made by Royal Camera Co., Japan, probably in the late 1950s
or early 1960s. Has a behind-lens Copal shutter, so you'd think the lens would
be interchangable, but it doesn't seem to be. Clearly made to look like a Contax
or Nikon RF of the period. Actually seems to be of fairly good quality. The
wheel above and to the left of the lens sets shutter sppeds, not focus as it
would on a real Contax or Nikon.
All images and text on this site are copyrighted by Ross A. Alford and may not be reproduced without permission