The previous page showed what happens with simple non-standard channel swaps. This is one example of what happens with more complex changes.
example of a more complex channel swap is to use CMYK mode instead of RGB mode.
This gives you more channels to work with. In this example, I converted both
the standard and the IR images to CMYK instead of RGB. I swapped the Y and M
channels of the IR image for the Y and M channels of the standard image. When
I had reassembled the image, I converted it back to RGB before saving it, because
some browsers, for example, do not like to load CMYK images. The red sky and
bright purple vegetation make an interesting combination.
I'm sure that other possibilites will occur to you. The sky's the limit, since we aren't limited by available film, and can very easily combine any number of images in perfect registration. Have fun.
A few more samples of digital IR work appear below, just to show that it's
possible to take photos of things other than your backyard. You may notice that
the clouds don't have red fringes in these--that's because the IR channel in
these shots uses the sky from the red channel of the original unfiltered exposure,
combined with the rest of the image from the red channel of the exposure through
the IR filter.
Cleveland Bay, looking towards Hervey Range, from Kissing Point, Townsville.
A false-colour infrared shot, with IR simply substituted for the red channel,
and the green and blue channels from the original image left in place.
Another digital false-colour infrared shot, this one of a salt pan and small
hill near Shelly Beach, just north of Townsville. This one has the classical
film-style false colour scheme, with IR for red, red for green, and green for
A monolithic rock in the Townsville Town Common Park, photogtaphed with a digital
camera through an IR filter, with the levels of the red, green, and blue layers
stretched to equalise them using Photoshop. This is very easy to do, requires
only one exposure, and sometimes produces a very nice effect.
All images and text on this site are copyrighted by Ross A. Alford and may not be reproduced without permission