What is Drivel?
We are not entirely sure but we know it when we read it!
Seriously, the web is filled with drivel. Much of this drivel is dull, lifeless, stodgy writing. The Drivel Group would like to lift the standard of drivel throughout the World Wide Web. As a method of encouraging good drivel, we have instituted the Drivel Award of Excellence.
Our standards for drivel are amusing, light-hearted, fun writing. We like cute things, something to cheer you up when you've had one of those days. You are allowed to have content, but it shouldn't stand in the way of having fun. The Drivel Group approves of: Calvin and Hobbes, Far Side, Bloom County, Looney Toons, Dilbert, Chas Addams, Muppets, Monty Python, Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, Twin Peaks, Terry Pratchett, Isaac Asimov, and Douglas Adams.
In the effort to meet this standard, our members scour 1 the web constantly 2 to find pages that meet our exacting standards of what drivel can be. We will award those pages that meet approval with the much coveted 3 Drivel Award.
This award will be given out no more frequently then once a week. Due to
our committee having real lives and spending time at work, home with family
etc. we can make no guarantees about the frequency of the award. We do
guarantee the quality of our winners and that each winner will be featured here
for no less than one week. Any winner may feature our wonderful award graphic
or pretend it never happened.
Drivel Site of the week/month/whatever
Previous Drivel Sites
- Preparing for emergencies: the ultimate guide in how to handle all emergencies (hint, run very fast)
- Fun in the Living Room a number of funny flash animations by Homestar Runner.
- Magic Mill Create your own diploma online from a wide number of IAFU institutions.
- The Nigerian Letters
- If LotR Had Been Written By Someone Else!?
- Haroldry for the Non Harold
- Rinkworks
- Chaotic Thoughts 2002
- The Sludge Report
- John's Freeloading Home Page
- Sarcasta.net
- Aliases, alter-egos, & family nicknames of both TV characters and TV actors.
- Butterfly's Camel Museum
- So You've Decided to be Evil
- Thumb wars
- Pretty Strange Patents
- Postal Experiments
- World Wide Web Grudge Match
- Out of Context Quotes
- Word Perhect [requires Flash]
- Laughing Gas
- The foolish dictionary
- Virtual bubble wrap Macromedia's Flash is required.
- Invisible Pink Unicorns
- Bad Fads
- Document: Dumb
- Humor from Anitra (another dust bunny fan)
- The mad scientist network
- Dumb.com
- Daze of our Lives
- Dead Computer
- http://bofhcam.org/
- Kibo's official main menu
- User Friendly
- The Onion
- Dumbentia - The Parody Place
- Page of Useless Pages
- Pete Casso's Hilarious Website
- Afrosquad
- http://www.angelfire.com/sd/HamsterTimes/
- Mark Whybird's drivel page.
In Memoriam
Previous Drivel winners that have since removed their sites or removed the sections of their site which won the drivel award.
- Weighing a bed-bound victim
- Save the Y2K bug!
- Brain Candy
- You can't shave a cat
- The Creation Chamber
- The Web O' Sarcasm v2.0
Meta Drivel
In the tireless search for drivel, various members of the group have found web sites which consistantly supply new sites worthy of consideration. These are the meta drivel sites, those which you should go to for regular drivel updates.
The sites
Userfriendly link of the day
Useless pages at dmoz
Who is the drivel group?
If we told you, you'd have to become a member. So only request this information if you're ready for the big leap to serious drivel. Use the following form to submit a site for consideration for this award or select the button to join Drivel
1 Since web pages are really only characters on the screen, they have no need of scouring or indeed any other sort of cleaning.
2 Actually, there aren't that many of us, so there may be times at which no one is searching the web for good drivel. Sorry about that.
3 Well, we think that it should be coveted.