A Gardener's Journal

(a cautionary tale)

Date Journal Entry
1 Sept. Have decided to start my first garden. Good start today. Went to nursery and bought shrubs, seedlings and seed packs. Feel the garden year is off to a good start.
2 Sept. Have realised that planting is not as simple as it looks. May have thrown back muscles out trying to dig holes for shrubs.
4 Sept. Still planting things bought other day. It had seemed like a perfectly reasonable purchase at the time. Might be done planting by Christmas.
6 Sept. Finally finished putting things out. Forgot to use sunscreen yesterday, badly burned today. Three seedlings from punnet are wilting, cause unknown. Plan trip to library to get gardening book.
17 Sept. Seeds planted are starting to come up. More plants from punnets have wilted, cause still unknown. No garden books left in library, must all be out for spring. Shrubs seem to be all right.
22 Sept. Am amazed by number of seeds coming up. How many seeds are in one packet? Will need to start thinning plants soon at the rate they're coming up. Watering restrictions make it difficult to keep the vegie garden damp.
2 Oct. Discovered very large beetle munching on the bean plants. Have decided to return later with gloves to remove pest.
3 Oct. Giant beetle is gone. Was very happy until I found that a giant toad had eaten beetle. Wish beetle was back and toad gone. Going on vacation this week.
10 Oct Forgot to ask neighbour to water flower bed while gone last week. The only flowers left are marigolds. Obviously, a tough plant.
11 Oct. Zucchini plant and weed are having power struggle. Couldn't pull weed up without doing same to zucchini. Hope zucchini will survive weed.
20 Oct. Never did properly thin the vegetables. Have many many skinny lettuces, cabbages, and others. Have promised myself, will definitely do something this weekend.
30 Oct. Zucchini has outgrown weed. Family all wish that zucchini had not. Have heard many complaints about zucchini lately.
1 Nov. Have realised that neighbours avoid me. Suspect that they also have enough zucchini and cucumber to last a lifetime. May have to move after this year.
11 Nov. Half the shrubs bought have died. Finally found a garden book in library. Could have been any one of a dozen reasons for losing the shrubs.
21 Nov. Used to think film about killer tomatoes was silly. Not so sure about that now. Tomatoes have overgrown stakes and are threatening me when I weed.
15 Dec. Major disaster. One tomato stake has broken and tomato has spread over half garden. Must consider carefully what to do.
23 Dec. Have decided on Christmas present. Want a tiller to get rid of garden. Have no idea why people claim to enjoy working in garden.